Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Bruchsal Palace
The oldest ecclesiastical Baroque residence on the Upper Rhine
Schloss Bruchsal, Südliches Staatsappartement, Gelbes Zimmer

Traces of the Rococo periodThe southernstate apartment

When important visitors were staying in the palace, the master of the house left them the sumptuous northern apartment and moved into the more modest south wing. However, the difference between the sequence of rooms was slight, as both state apartments had to appropriately represent the prince-bishop.

Schloss Bruchsal, Südliches Staatsappartement, Gelbes Zimmer

Precious details can be discovered in the Yellow Room.

The Yellow Room

The Yellow Room, the antechamber to the southern state apartment, holds what remains of the Rococo pieces that once decorated all the rooms. The furniture on display from the workshop of Abraham Roentgen is some of the most precious furniture of the palace. The commodes and the game tables were part of a delivery of "7 pieces of wooden goods" to Prince-Bishop von Hutten in 1764. The tapestries hung here show scenes from the Old Testament. They are among the oldest tapestries in Bruchsal Palace.

Schloss Bruchsal, Südliches Staatsappartement, Rotes Zimmer

Original pieces back in their original places.

The Red Room

When the prince-bishop lived in the southern apartment, the Red Room served as his audience chamber. The paintings and furniture presented here escaped destruction in 1945 because they had been moved out in 1939. Prince-Bishop Cardinal Franz Christoph von Hutten had himself magnificently represented in a portrait by Nikolaus Treu. Clothed in purple, with the breast cross bestowed on him by the eon his robe, von Hutten stands before Bruchsal Palace, while his page hands him his biretta.

Schloss Bruchsal, Südliches Staatsappartement, Grünes Zimmer

Green since the 18th century.

The Green Room

The Green Room is the bedroom in the south apartment. Even in the 18th century, it was already done up in shades of green: green varnish on the wood paneling, doors, and window frames, a pastel green ceiling, and wall panels covered with green damask. The bed described in 1817, with a canopy and curtains made of damask, no longer exists. Today, a reproduction bed stands in its place. The original bed canopy and hangings of red silk are decorated with metallic embroidery.

Schloss Bruchsal, Watteaukabinett, Aufnahme um 1930
Schloss Bruchsal, Detail „Veston-Tapisserie“, um 1700
Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Pagenzimmer

Photographs from the time before the destruction show original pieces in their original places. They were returned after the reconstruction.

Cabinet and pages' room

The magnificent furnishings of the Watteau Cabinet were almost completely lost in World War II. The pieces that have been preserved include a cast iron vase, which was discovered in the palace garden in 2014 and now stands in the cabinet once again. The "Veston tapestries" in the neighboring dressing room dominate the space with their colorful images of flowers and fruit. The prince-bishop's chamber servants lived in the pages' room next door. Simple furniture characterizes this room.

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