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Bruchsal Palace
The oldest ecclesiastical Baroque residence on the Upper Rhine
Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Appartement Amalie von Baden, Blick vom Wohnzimmer ins Schlafzimmer

Furniture in the Empire styleAmalie von Baden's apartment

The rooms of the northern state apartment and the neighboring private rooms were furnished for Margravine Amalie von Baden beginning in 1806. She had the walls covered with modern silks and supplemented the existing furnishings with furniture in the Empire style from her own collection.

Schloss Bruchsal, Tapisserie „Ausblick auf einen Tempel mit Glocke“, Aubusson 2. Viertel 18. Jahrhundert

French tapestries hang in the antechamber.


The narrow room, which is entered through the Amalie's Apartment, was used as an antechamber to the private rooms even in the time of the prince-bishops. One inventory listed a bell pull in the service room, which indicates private use by the margravine. Today, four tapestries are displayed here, manufactured in the Royal d‘Aubusson factory by Reynaud and Pierre Couloudon. They depict exotic landscapes with corresponding architecture and animals, surrounded by trees and plants.

Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Appartement Amalie von Baden, Gemälde im Roten Salon

Paintings from the old Bruchsal collection.

Red Drawing Room

The antechamber connects to the audience chamber, which the margravine called the "Red Drawing Room." She had the old-fashioned tapestries removed and had the walls covered with a "wallpaper of red satin." Today, a sofa in the Empire style, an encoignure—a corner cabinet following the French model—and a mahogany side table recall the decor from the time of Amalie. The walls are hung with original paintings from the old Bruchsal collection, including Dutch works and cityscapes in the style of Canaletto.

Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Appartement Amalie von Baden, Detail Schreibschrank
Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Appartement Amalie von Baden, Wohnzimmer

A retreat, study, and common room: The living room retained its diverse uses even after new residents moved in.

Living room

The "living room," as it was called in the time of the prince-bishops, and later the "Yellow Room," was a place for private conversations and reading. The inventory from 1804 lists two large writing desks with many interior compartments and a round basket woven out of willows for outgoing letters. Amalie also conducted business and held small gatherings here. Now the palace's oldest tapestry series decorates the room: Magnificent tapestries, created in Brussels between 1550 and 1575, show the Old Testament story of David and Abigail.

Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Appartement Amalie von Baden, Schlafzimmer, Aufnahme vor 1945
Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Appartement der Amalie von Baden
Schloss Bruchsal, Beletage, Appartement Amalie von Baden, Frisiertisch und Standspiegel um 1820

Using old photographs, the room was reconstructed and furnished with contemporary furniture from the early 19th century.


Amalie had the prince-bishops' former stateroom decorated with modern furniture. The furniture displayed today was created circa 1810/15. The bed, vanity, and standing mirror have decorative elements that are typical for the Empire period, such as gilded lion's paws, simulated Egyptian writing, shells, rosettes, and lotus blossoms.

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