Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Bruchsal Palace
The oldest ecclesiastical Baroque residence on the Upper Rhine
Schloss Bruchsal, Thronsaal im Nördlichen Staatsappartement

Representational sequence of roomsThe northernstate apartment

In the northern state apartment, the prince-bishop conducted the business of government and held audiences. For the elegant furnishings of these rooms, Franz Christoph von Hutten obtained famous artists who had previously worked on the Würzburg Residence.

Schloss Bruchsal, Detail Tapisserie „Elefantentreiber“ aus der Grotesken-Serie, Beauvais, 1685-1719
Schloss Bruchsal, Spiegelrahmen Jagdzimmer, Aufnahme um 1870

A detailed inspection of the decor reveals hunting motifs, which give the room its name.

Hunting Room

The Hunting Room was both an antechamber and a dining hall. Here, visitors and supplicants waited for an audience with the prince-bishop. Stucco and wood carving that depicts motifs of hunting and fishing gave the room its name. Today, four small paintings on the theme of hunting commemorate the former furnishings. The walls are also decorated with tapestries from the "Grotesque series" created between 1685 and 1719. On some tapestries, dancers, musicians, and an elephant driver can be seen.

Schloss Bruchsal, Savonnerien im Musikzimmer

Chinese motifs decorate the wall hangings and furniture.

Music Room

Cherubs playing music, twittering birds, and musical instruments made of stucco give the room its name. It served as an additional antechamber to the throne room. The overdoors with scenes from the legend of the Roman Gaius Mucius Scaevola, a reference to the knowledge of the literature of antiquity and virtues of Franz Christoph von Hutten, have been preserved. Another feature of the room is the Savonnerie rugs, knotted carpets by the German Savonnerie factory in Bonn. With their Chinese-inspired motifs, they show the enthusiasm for the exotic in 18th-century European art.

Audience chamber

After passing through both antechambers, visitors arrived in the "large royal audience chamber," the most elegant hall in the state apartment. The representational function of the room is clear in the replica of the throne ensemble with an original relief coat of arms and audience chair. The impressive tapestry series "Famous Men According to Plutarch" fits the theme of royal virtues.

Schloss Bruchsal, Thronsaal im Nördlichen Staatsappartementl
Schloss Bruchsal, Tapisserie „Fest des Lykurg”, Manufaktur Daniel und Urban Leyniers und Hendrik Reydams, Entwurf Victor Janssens, Brüssel, um 1735 – 1745

The prince-bishops honored virtuous examples from antiquity, as can be seen from the tapestries in the audience chamber.

The palace church

The palace church, placed between the throne room and the royal bedchamber, takes on the function of a cabinet. The narrow room was used for the prince-bishop's private prayers. Of the original decor, the overdoors with scenes from the life of Christ have been preserved. Several portraits, a prayer stool, and a set of an altar cross and silver candlesticks complete the room.

Schloss Bruchsal, Hauskapelle im Nördlichen Staatsappartement

Behind the replica altar, the giant painting by Johann Zick, "The Sacrifice of Isaac," can be seen.

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